Tinker at 9 months old
He reminds me so much of yoda.

Tink showing off on plank walk
"look,ma, no hands"

Tink caught squash
that grew thro the

Sneaky Snake has been killed
(many leaks)

where he found those???

Tink Retreiving
************************ myrna and tink Nov 2011

Nov 8, 2011 Tink passed the CGC test.
Tink can do a 360 turn either direction ,heel, sit, down, stand for exam, recall, front, finish, stay, and retrieve.
He is sloppy in some things yet and not consistant, and we haven't even considered off leash work, but he
enjoys his
training time and is so pleased when he does something right, we are slowly making progress.

Eleven month old Tinker finally lifts his leg. This is the official sign his puppy days are over.
One (66.5#) year old Tink playing with Satin

One body slam

Tink planning to spin around and do another body
slam. but Satin was fast enough to get out of the
way. The dogs play rough, but when Satin feels she is losing the game,
she will get mad and quit playing. Then Tink will throw
himself down on the ground and let Satin jump on him
and bite and worry his ruff until she will walk off feeling
she showed him. And he will get up and sit subdued, and
then bow and bounce inviting play again. I've
this ritual repeated several times a day.
I've never had a dog hurt while rough housing ( including
body slams) Howeve r, if your dog isn't active all
day long, maybe they are not in condition for strenuous exercise.
Or maybe they are not built right ( conformation wise) to take
the physical exertion.
Note article on "O" litter page
Just a fond memory - - Spirit would do a double
spin and all the dogs watching would sit down and say "wow!" Yes I speak a little "dog".
Myrna and Tink went to a nursing home, with the KC, and took part in a parade. Tink just loved
the whole experience, the costumed people, decorated wheelchairs and utility carts, he tried to duck into each room we past
and greet every spectator, he had a deaf ear to the command "heel" and I was towed along at the end of the
leash. We definitely need more obedience work, but all in all it was a very satisfying day.

Tinker in the Pholox
June 2012

August 2013, we entered the Freeborn County Kennel Club show in Rally Novice. It was not
his shining hour. We got 70 and third place and I feel the judge was very generous. Tink danced all over
that ring( not part of the routine) Ah well, back to the drawing board.