Five weeks old - litle girl has ears up

four weeks old -poor drapes

Seven weeks old - bath oh the horror

8 weeks old and tails are the target. Last week it was ears and before that it was feet/legs or anything they
could get in their mouth. They play rough and all day long, with short naps every couple of hours. Puppies need
a lot of exercise.

yard is well tramped down and big tunnel toy

new tunnel is getting broke in

Anika, pup,named Alaska, and cage. number 4 pup ,( the second smallest) has found her home.

The girls all have ears up. But Bulldozer looks like the flying nun.
Dozer got his name by his actions of running into and knocking the girls out of his way.
Excitement in the back yard
Tom cat found in pup's food

One pup got slapped good and the three girls cautiously
escorted the Tom out of their yard

OH MY !! Dear Santa, Please bring me some clean puppies !
Here is five month old red collar female. (Honeyhills Xtra Smooth).
With mother giving her the evil eye.

Pups are 6 months old and chewing on everything. Their dog house
is leaning and I just hope it lasts until warmer weather. They are evidently
remodeling inside too.

Everyone is chewing on something.

I've been wondering, when they get stuck in that barrel - do I try to shake them out,
or pull on whatever I can get hold of?

Honeyhills Xtra Cool (Daisy) at 7 months old

Sunbath, first day of sunshine in 3 weeks. Ap 20, 2013

10 month red girl
Honeyhills xtra smooth (Lily)

Lily in front of the Buttercups and Snow on the Mountain
flowers. June 26, 2013
